Clinic: Winning the Opening Exchanges

Top-notch chess players work their magic with specific openings to get the winning edge… and so do top pickleball players!

The opening exchanges of the ball across the net can make or break a point, determine who takes the game, and even crown the tournament champ!

This clinic will emphasize and actively engage the skills, tactics and communication necessary to capitalize on the opening shots in a rally:

Crank up your serve. Nail that killer return. Refine your drop shot.

Byrd will be right there, ensuring one-on-one time with each player to help master the right grip and body mechanics. As a group we will learn and drill various opening strategies aiming to transfer high-level play from the mind to instinctual muscle memory.

Sunday, June 11th, 12:30pm to 3:30pm, Armory Pickleball in Bellingham

Intermediate/Advanced Clinic – Players should be at least at the 3.0 level.

Consider registering with a drilling partner and enhance your skills, drills & thrills together. Grow as a team!

Get to know Byrd better here!

Hey BYRD! Gotta thank you one more time for the super fab clinic today! Been making notes, trying to remember the best I can….but have to say….you were fabulous! As a teacher myself, I recognize that the ability to actually TEACH is totally different than the ability and skill set a person has that enables spectacular play. You have captured the art of teaching and harnessed the ability to communicate…optimal attributes for a great coach! And you are!


Byrd has a distinct talent to asses the range of skills of everyone in his small clinic and work to elevate their unique game rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to the game. Both his direct feedback, as well as his joy of players and game, will stick. This was the first clinic that challenged how I think about the game and I am quite delighted when I am challenged.


I thoroughly enjoyed the clinic and your style of teaching.  So much of my play depends on instinctual actions, and your drills totally tapped into that buried mind/body connection for me.  I already have put some of what we worked on into my game and find myself slowing down…or maybe the game just seems slower!  Who knows? Who cares.  It works.


I really enjoyed your camp…the time flew by.

You provided a good mix of theory, drills, strategy and stories from your playing career that made the camp very enjoyable.
